TransporAction Pontiac
in action since 2004!
Collective and adapted transportation services
We treat our clients as we would like to be treated!
To see the price list for collective transportation by volunteer drivers, Click here
To see the price list for adapted transportation (adapted vehicles), (véhicule adapté) Click here
Want to know more information on TransporAction Pontiac? Click here
Municipalities served
We serve the great MRC Pontiac region as well as the municipality of Pontiac. See map click here
Mandatory accompaniment is granted if the user requires medical care during the course of the transportation (established according to his adapted form and/or a medical note in his file). In this case, this person’s attendant travels free of charge. For all other accompaniments the client must pay accompaniment charges (see chart) For any questions concerning accompaniments, please communicate with our office.
Cancellation of a transport request must be made 24 hours in advance, and the user must respect the previous terms and conditions in the event of cancellation. If the driver comes to your residence and you cancel, additional fees will be required.
Become a volunteer
To become a volunteer with TransporAction, the applicant must first complete the volunteer information form provided by our office, possess a valid driver’s licence and have no criminal record. To this end, TAP must request a criminal record verification from the relevant authorities before any volunteer work begins. In addition, the volunteer must provide proof of his/her vehicle registration, proof of vehicle insurance as well as a cheque specimen. For more information Click here.
Our team is ready to serve you
We serve the MRC Pontiac region
Establish and manage an integrated public transport system on the territory of the MRC Pontiac and the Municipality of Pontiac. To this end, the company may include:
TransporAction Pontiac is committed to promoting mobility within the MRC Pontiac, with the specific goals of diminishing the isolation and fostering the integration of people without their own means of transportation, providing an alternative to ‘’one person, one car’’ (solo auto) and promoting sustainable social, economic and environmental development of the communities in the MRC Pontiac as well as their social capital. TransporAction Pontiac has also developed an expertise in the management and organization of mobility in all its forms.
Promote and facilitate the optimum use of existing transport services on the territory concerned
Promote and support the development of new transport services to meet the unmet needs
Created in 2004, TransporAction Pontiac is the first organization the Quebec Department of Transport approved to house both collective and adapted transportation under the same roof. This practice is now privileged across Quebec.
Sylvie Bertrand
General Director
Mélanie Ostrom
Administrative Secretary
Mariette Pleau
Elaine Gautier
Nathalie Duval
Administrative/Accounting agent
Germain Bélair

Adapted van
Quantity in service: 2
Sitting capacity:
5 mobile / 2 mobile + 3 wheelchairs

Mini Bus
Quantity in service : 3
Bus 2 & 3
Sitting capacity: 18 mobile / 8 mobile + 5 wheelchairs
Bus 4
Sitting capacity: 18 mobile/8 mobile + 4 wheelchairs

Quantity in service : 1
Sitting capacity: 5 mobile + 2 wheelchairs /4 mobile +3 wheelchairs
The users must respect the rules and conditions of use at all times. All the rules and conditions of use of TransporAction Pontiac are in the User Policy.
Collective transportation is an alternative to public transportation. Due to the low population density, this method of transportation cannot be established. So, rather than use the services of permanent bus lines with preestablished circuits which are very expensive, collective transportation uses volunteer drivers.
To qualify for the collective transportation service offered by TransporAction Pontiac, an individual must:
a) Be a permanent resident in one of the municipalities in the coverage area or of the Municipality of Pontiac and have a valid Québec medical insurance card number.
b) Be 65 years old or over or not own a car (certain medical cases can be admitted temporarily: verify with the staff of TransporAction Pontiac).
c) Respect the policies, the regulations, the codes and others of TAP or of the government or of another institution.
This is an adapted collective transportation service fitted to people having a physical, intellectual, psychological handicap or in loss of autonomy. The person can be accompanied when essential to his mobility.
To qualify for the paratransit service offered by TransporAction, an individual must:
a) Be a permanent resident in one of the municipalities in the coverage area, or admitted in another territory; and have your Quebec medical card number.
b) Meet the criteria stipulated in the Paratransit Eligibility Policy of the Quebec department of Transportation.
c) Submit an application for admission to TAP, using the regulatory forms.
d) Be accepted by the Admission Committee.
e) Respect TAP’s policies, regulations, codes and others as well as those of the government or of other institutions.
To make a reservation for Collective or Adapted transportation, you must call our office at least 48 business hours in advance (that is 2 working days) .
Our office hours are from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm and Friday 8 am to 3 pm (closed from noon till 1 pm) voice mail available.
For weekend transportation, the reservation must be made before 4 pm, on Thursdays.
Carpooling will be applied whenever possible.
To reserve
- By phone 819-648-2223
- Toll free 1-877-648-2223
- Fax 1-877-657-9475
- Email
By mail
TransporAction Pontiac 1226A, route 148 Campbell’s Bay, Québec J0X 1K0